We had Cameron’s service plan meeting last week at school and they stated they were going to use a behavior chart and reward system for him. So I was thinking why not do this at home. I went to the University of Google and found a great website that had the work done for me and the best part it is free. They offered a lot of great tips and uses of the charts. It is becoming a go to site for Green Acres.
I found several charts. First ones for his morning and night time routines. For every star Cameron receives he earns $.25. The reason we are associating the money aspect is for 2 reasons. A. It has been discovered that we need to work on our money skills. B. I think he should have to earn his own money for his legos. It teaches responsibility. At the end of the week Cameron will add up his stars and then we will help him figure how many quarters he has earned.
He also has a chore chart. He is working on reading so I found it helpful for him to have to read what his chores were. With minimal help he was able to conquer this fete. Plus the added bonus was that I could print one off that had a Star Wars Lego Yoda at the top.
Lastly is his reading chart. We have made a deal with him that after he reads 20 books he can have the new Star Wars Lego ship.
Some will call this bribery or enticement. Call it what you will, I am choosing to accept and embrace the fact that my 7 year old is actually doing his chores and is excited about them.
I am not above incentives. I think the charts are great! I hope he enjoys that Lego ship! (I bet it doesn't take him long to get there. :) )
I tried behavior charts with my twins. They worked well for a couple of weeks, then they lost interst. Or, maybe I lost interest. However, we used stickers. I like the idea of quarters because they could learn the value of money. Definitely something to revisit. Good luck! Go Cameron!