Green Acres in the City ~ Join us a begin the journey in search for a simpler life...

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Monday, February 20, 2012

coming along

Well things are coming together finally in my new “Green Acres Closet” headquarters.  I love my new work space!  I am still tweaking a little bit but it is so amazing to have the room to work, move around and have things organized.  Still a work in progress but it is becoming my sanctuary quickly.


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Fabric and finished product has a new home.  I need a few more bins and it will be wonderful.  Below I have the start of organizing all the wool or my sweater collection.  I need to get sewing more to make room for the ones that are on the felting table by the washing machine.



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As for a cutting table I went from this in my dining room,


to this amazing table Mr. Miller found for me.


My machines are happy in their new home too.


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