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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

oops I did it again…

Almost 2 years ago I cut my hair for the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program.  Well yesterday I did it again for Locks of Love program.  It felt so right and good the first time I had to do it again.  Cancer is something that can strike anyone at anytime.  I am the daughter and daughter –in-law of 2 said survivors.  My Daddy is a Prostate Cancer survivor and The Deacon fought the battle with Colon Cancer and won.  I feel that this is a very minor thing that I can do to help those that need it.  We all love our hair and I can’t imagine having mine fall out.  Dad and The Deacon were both very lucky to not lose theirs, although my Dad is a little bare on top already.  Sorry Daddy I couldn’t resist.

If you have long hair won’t you at least think about it?  It is simple and it does grow back.  I also look at it as a way to get a new boost of confidence about how I look.    Are you ready for the transformation?




After:  Please excuse the no makeup in the after shot. Smile




My new friend, Kristi, did the honors.  She is a fellow Mama from St. Thomas More.  She is amazing.  If you live in the KC area and are looking for a new Hair Goddess, let me know!  Thank you again Miss Kristi for making me feel pretty again!



I was able to send 8.5 inches 2 years ago.  This time I had over 12 with the braid stretched out.  It takes several braids just like mine to make one wig.  Think of how many people we could all help.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! That's a short and sassy hair cut! I like it! You are so brave, my hair is like a shield for me. I use it as a security blanket, I think. I've donated to Locks of Love a few times, my hair grows out fast.

    Way to go, Momma!
