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Thursday, June 21, 2012

parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme…








My little herb garden is finally done. We have Parsley, Cilantro, Rosemary, Oregano, Sweet Basil, Sage and Lavender.   I have yet to have a truly successful year with an herb garden.  I am trying smaller pots and a partially shaded area since they call for sun and partial shade.

I found the cute marker idea on etsy and Pinterest.  I made a few changes.  I went to the DAV on an Urban Treasure Hunt and picked up 10 random soup spoons for $.29 each and used a sharpie.  I made cute and reusable garden markers for under $3.  Plus I up cycled.  A win win in this house.  I might head back down there to make markers for the rest of the garden too.  As for the herbs we used Rosemary the other night in the chicken and it was amazing.

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