Green Acres in the City ~ Join us a begin the journey in search for a simpler life...

Welcome to our life

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

We will be back soon!

As you know we came home Sunday night from the farm and Henry has just not been himself. It turns out that our little "Junior Mint" has a double ear infection. I have been taking care of the wee one and I am sorry for no recipe today. We went to the Doctor this morning and the Chiropractor this afternoon, he should be feeling better soon.

I will be back in full by the end of the week. Take care and I hope you are all having a fabulous week.

1 comment:

  1. My dentist was just telling me that kids sometimes have inflamed tonsils when they have ear infections. He said docs don't tell you because they don't make any money off of tonsilectomys. I hadn't heard that before. Might be worth asking about. :)
